Going higher with Jesus,

proclaiming His Kingdom purposes,

receiving a greater revelation of God's word.

About the Lawrences

The Lawrences are Missionary Educators and Evangelists. Their full-time ministry journey began in 1988 when Neil began Seminary and Jennifer “learned the ropes” by working at the head office for Church of God World Missions for 4 years. 

Jennifer has used her musical talents to bring excellence to their Evangelism ministry and her administrative skills to organize the various branches of their ministry.

God’s vision expanded Neil’s ministry over the years from Teaching to Evangelism to Video Ministry, and now Apologetics.

Joshua, adopted in 2003 at 7-months old, is an MK (missionary kid) and a multi-cultural young man who has seen much of the world. He is a Road Warrior, often doing home schooling in the back of the car while itinerating in the US, or traveling for evangelism. Joshua spent his high school years boarding at Rift Valley Academy (Kenya), and began university in the USA in August 2021.


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TV Episodes

A Higher Place TV episodes are 30-minute teaching & preaching ministry aimed at deepening people’s understand of Christianity.

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Video News & Vlogs

View the latest news & vlogs as the Lawrences minister & travel the world ministering the Gospel.

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View Apologetic info about foundational issues and vital topics facing Christians today in the world of “Post-Modern Madness.”

Solid Facts

Numbers Speak For Themselves


Gospel Crusades

Evangelism Crusades done


AHP Episodes

A Higher Place Episodes so far


Evangelical Meetings

Countries travelled preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ


Into Africa: Eagles’ Wings Gospel Team

A Higher Place Blog

Dispelling Spiritual Misconceptions

 Rev. Neil Steven Lawrence M.Div. “No this is not yet the GREAT Tribulation!” This is my answer to those who ask me about the turbulent times in which we live.

Rev. Neil Steven Lawrence, M.Div.  The only 3 times Jesus spoke about love in the Synoptic Gospels:  1. affirming the Golden Rule 2. loving your enemies 3. forgiving of debts

 Rev. Neil Steven Lawrence, M.Div. The Palestinians are an entirely fabricated people. Why do they all have Egyptian, Saudi, Jordanian, Syrian and Lebanese surnames? Because they all came to Israel

 Rev. Neil Steven Lawrence, M.Div.  The Bible is clear that God can forgive all people even up to the last minute. The thief on the cross is a perfect example.

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